Mexico: Recent deportations ‘a violation’ of US immigration rules

4/20/2017 The Hill

Immigration_and_Customs_Enforcement_SWATMexican authorities on Thursday accused U.S. officials of violating their own rules in the cases of a so-called “Dreamer” and a mother of four who were recently deported to Mexico.

“In the frame of respect to U.S. law, the Chancellery highlights that the cases of Mrs. [Maribel] Trujillo and Mr. [Juan Manuel] Montes Bojorquez represent a violation to the express rules of deportation in that country,” read a statement released by the Secretariat of Foreign Relations, also known as the Chancellery.

“Neither of the compatriots represented a risk to the security of North American society and neither of them has a criminal background,” the statement continued.

Montes gained notice as the first recipient of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program to be deported. Montes was arrested near the Mexican border by Customs and Border Protection (CBP) agents in February and deported to Mexico despite his claim of protected status.

DACA recipients, or Dreamers, are protected from deportation unless they commit a crime or leave the country without prior authorization from United States Citizenship and Immigration Services.

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