¿Qué opinan? Firmas del día: 2/1/2013

Coffee by Flikr user samrevel

Each day we will bring you an assortment of op-ed pieces from major Mexican dailies.

El Universal

Bajo Reserva

The explosion at the headquarters of Mexico’s state-owned oil company, Pemex, can be considered as the first red alert for President Enrique Peña Nieto’s administration.  Especially because  everyone expects  information, transparency, and reliable data that can remove any speculations about the origin of the accident. Clarity in the investigations is important since this incident caused deaths and injured dozens of people.



Templo Mayor

Many things have been published about the people from Ayutla who created their own police forces because they were tired of the insecurity and delinquency experienced in their town. However, little attention  has been given to Governor Angel Aguirre’s response towards the issue. Instead of re-establishing the authority, Governor Aguirre has decided to legalize civil guards;  thus, the people of Ayutla have  initiated popular trials where the plan to condemn 53 detained criminals.



Leo Zuckerman

Every single country–some more, some less- face the campaign financing challenge. While some countries approve private financing, others forbid it.

Given the recent information released by IFE, the PRD will have to pay a major fine while the PAN angrily faces a claim stating that  PRI campaign spending records are spotless.  While we will never know how many resources and how much money was spent in the campaigns, the two opposing political parties have stated that Pacto por Mexico will be jeopardized if IFE does not resolve the possible  irregularities in the past presidential campaigns.


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