AL DÍA: ¿Qué opinan? Firmas del día: 8/13/12

Each morning, we will bring you an assortment of op-ed pieces from major Mexican dailies.

El Universal

Bajo Reserva, “PAN: Gana FCH primera ronda:” A commission was convened within the Assembly to discuss reforming the Statutes, as was requested by Calderon, many members of his inner circle are included in the commission…Many members of the military have been observed going in and out of the Supreme Court’s offices, the military wishes to demonstrate its deep concern about the Court’s current rulings on the military…The Law for Victims will be modified during the first weeks of the new legislature, apparently the government hasn’t calculated the laws financial impact as of this time.

La Jornada

Clase Política, Miguel Ángel Rivera, “PRIAN en el Legislativo:” Even though they won’t participate in making the changes that Mexico needs, the senators and deputies of the PRD will continue to repeat that Mexico is governed by a PRI and PAN alliance because the coordinators of the PRI and the PAN in the legislature have said that they will co-govern instead of making the legislative process more complicated…


Jorge Fernández Menéndez, “Los Zetas se dividen y se disputan SLP:” Fernández Menéndez predicts that San Luis Potosí will become the next center of violence in the Mexican war against the cartels, as will other nearby states such as Zacatecas, Coahuila and Torreón.  He points to the recent murder of Edgar Morales Pérez and the car filled with fourteen bodies in San Luis Potosí, and says that this is proof that the Zetas have split and have started their internal fight for control of the organization between the faction led by Z 40 and the one led by Z50.  The victims of the massacre were members of the group led by Z 50.  Fernández Menéndez also points out that they still do not have information about El Lazca’s position within the cartel, and whether or not he remains a leader.  According to the federal security forces, they will dramatically increase their presence in these regions in the hopes of preventing more violence and will try to work with the state-level forces.  Fernández Menéndez says that the rupture within the Zetas is a good sign in the war against the organized criminal groups, as is the fact that the authorities are aware of it and are working to prevent further violence.


Trascendió:  Within the DF they are readying the transition, and some members of Mancera’s team and Marcelo Ebrard’s team have met to begin the process…The PGR is investigating Juan Carlos de la Barrera Vite, an employee of the High Tribunal for links to the Sinaloa Cartel, they believe he informed the cartel about people testifying against the narcotics traffickers, specifically in the case of Felipe Cabrera Sarabia.

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